Thank you for your support of Deals Among Moms! We've hit 2500 fans thanks to you and now we can get our first Deals Among Moms Caravan moving!
If you need a little refresher, here's what the caravan is all about. On Sunday night, we'll gather all of our fans and begin to feature up to 20 randomly selected mom-run business Facebook pages. We'll encourage all of our 2500 fans to visit each page, like them, say hi, and see what they have to offer! This will result in LOTS of new fans for the featured businesses, and it's FREE!
If you'd like a chance at having your business featured, here's what you need to do.
2. Promote the Deals Among Moms Caravan! The more fans we have, the more fans we can send over to the featured pages! We ask that you promote us on your page as much as you can. Use the update below or anything else you see fit...
"Check out Deals Among Moms (tag us there)...they've got great deals & giveaways for moms featuring mom-run businesses! They're also featuring several businesses in their upcoming Caravan on Sunday night. Be sure to check it out!"
3. We'll leave the sign up form up till approximately Saturday evening. Sunday morning, we'll select 15 pages by We may offer an opportunity to get a few bonus spots, but no more than 20 pages will be featured.
4. We'll start the cruise on Sunday night around 9 pm EST. The only way to find out if your business is selected is to swing by and join in the caravan!
Remember, the more support, promotion and participation everyone provides, the bigger success it will be and the more fans you could get! That's the only way this will work!
If you don't make it in to this caravan, don't worry...we'll be doing one every 250 fan milestone we hit, so the next one is at 2750 fans (which may not take long!)
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